i've been trying to get some more up online for people to see
i'm unsure if i'll share this website or not
more because it's just a little bit rambly and probably a tad boring
but anyway for myself and anyone who may be lurking
i have put up a couple of videos//renders of the flat
i want to think about how this work is going to be shown online
and at the moment it is just in the verge3d software
which is great, but i want there to be accessibility for people who struggle to use it, whether it be due to their browser, or just having issues working the software
so yeah there are going to be a series of videos that work their way around the flat to show off what you would see via the playable element
i have put the first two iterations of these up on my other website
there's a new icon to work you're way to them
but for the impatient
i present
the space is really starting to come together now
there's only one empty room
and the hallway, although that may remain as a plain transitory space
i'm unsure right now once the bathroom space has something in it i'll work it out
then really it's just making sure things are working
the aim is to get it fairly done for monday, then i want to work on sewing things, letter writing etc.
and if anyone is reading this and has anything they want to say, i'd love to hear, i'm sure i have a contact form on this page, a link to my email is also on the cargo and tomgraystone.eu page