some quotes that have resonated with me while starting to think about what this project could become, and might offer a bit of direction
- “One moment does not follow another, as a sequence of spatial givens that unfolds as moments of time. They are moments in which you lose one perspective, but the “loss” itself is not empty or waiting; it is an object, thick with presence. … You experience the moment as loss, as the making present of something that is now absent (the presence of an absence). You blink, but it takes time for the world to acquire a new shape. You might even feel angry from being dislodged from the world you inhabited as a contourless world.” - Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology
- “Lines are both created by being followed and are followed by being created. The lines that direct us, as lines of thought as well as lines of motion, are in this way performative: they depend on the repetition of norms and conventions, of routes and paths taken, but they are also created as an effect of this repetition.” - Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology
- “Since one of us was several, there was already quite a crowd” - Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
- “Animated films are for children who believe that “things” (toys, nonhuman animals, rocks, sponges) are as lively as humans and who can glimpse other worlds underlying and overwriting this one.” - Jack Halberstam, The Queer Art of Failure
- “Writing against the competing philosophical paradigms of structuralism and phenomenology (and hermeneutics in its phenomenological influences), Foucault rejects both the idea that subjects are the mere e√ects of external structures of intelligibility located in large-scale social systems and the idea that reality is an internal product of human consciousness. That is, Foucault refuses the humanist assumption that presumes the existence of an autonomous subject that stands before discourse-power-knowledge practices; on the contrary, Foucault is interested in analyzing the historical conditions that call forth certain kinds of subjectivity. At the same time, he also rejects structuralist accounts of the production of the subject via the imposition of an external system of Power, Language, or Culture. In particular, Foucault eschews Marxist treatments of ideology and false consciousness as well as humanist accounts that make reference to the intentionality of a unified subject, giving power an interior location within the consciousness of a subject whose interests are taken to be self-transparent. Indeed, Foucault cuts through the agency-structure dualism held in place by the clash between phenomenology and structuralism. In Foucault’s account, power is not the familiar conception of an external force that acts on a preexisting subject, but rather an immanent set of force relations that constitutes (but does not fully determine) the subject.” - Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway
- “According to Foucault, discursive practices are the local sociohistorical material conditions that enable and constrain disciplinary knowledge practices such as speaking, writing, thinking, calculating, measuring, filtering, and concentrating. Discursive practices produce, rather than merely describe, the subjects and objects of knowledge practices. In Foucault’s account, these conditions are immanent and historical rather than transcendental or phenomenological. That is, they are not conditions in the sense of ahistorical, universal, abstract laws defining the possibilities of experience (Kant), but actual historically and culturally specific social conditions” - Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway
- “Anyone who has engaged with video games in the last three decades is familiar with the primary institution that games have been successfully deployed in service of: the consumer marketplace. Games were once created and mutated as a form of folk creativity, distributed and taught by word if mouth; (bold my own) the rehabilitation of games’ association with morally degenerate gambling made the family-friendly board game market possible, and the computing revolution enabled an explosion in the number of increasingly disposable product choices available for consumers” - Naomi Clark, 'What Is Queerness in Games, Anyway?', in Queer Game Studies (ed. Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw)
- "Bolter and Grusin say, "We call the representation of one medium in another 'remediation,' and we will argue that remediation is a defining characteristic of the new digital media. ... The electronic medium is not set in opposition to painting, photography, or printing; instead, the computer is offered as a new means of gaining access to materials from these older media, as if the content of the older media can simply be poured into the new one"." - Edmond Y. Chang, 'Queergaming', in Queer Game Studies (ed. Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw)
- "Queergaming is utopia, what José Esteban Muñoz calls "a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present ... that thing that lets us feel that this world is not enough, that indeed something is missing" - Edmond Y. Chang, 'Queergaming', in Queer Game Studies (ed. Bonnie Ruberg and Adrienne Shaw)
and a quick extended reading list, in addition to those quoted above
McKenzie Wark, Édouard Glissant, Fred Moten, Katherine McKittrick, Katheryn Yusoff , Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Sarah Elwood, Tim Ingold
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